Store Information and Policy — Micro Center (2024)

Store Information and Policy — Micro Center Wed, 14 Aug 2024 03:13:39 +0000 en Store Information and Policy — Micro Center Online Order Cancellation Sat, 27 Feb 2021 21:08:43 +0000 Store Information and Policy josephmsvo 7722@/discussions <![CDATA[


Can you guys cancel my online order?

Order #: 131-WO-9913978

Questions about MIAMI grand opening policies Fri, 09 Aug 2024 19:22:54 +0000 Store Information and Policy SkipDog 15130@/discussions <![CDATA[
  1. When will sale prices be posted? (I'm 3h away, so want to make sure a trip is worth it).
  2. Can I reserve a product to pick up within the 3d window during the grand opening? Or is this unavailable?


Do I have to pay if they can't fix? Sun, 11 Aug 2024 18:45:11 +0000 Store Information and Policy tdl_playz 15135@/discussions <![CDATA[

We dropped off a desktop that wasn't working after accidentally shutting off during a factory reset. We wanted them to identify the problem and give advice on how to fix it. They told us the m.2 SSD and the motherboard were broken. After we bought a new motherboard and SSD, they managed to magically find that there was a cut on one of the wires connected to the power supply and said we needed a new one as well. How was this cut not initially found during the first diagnosis? I think they're just trying to keep finding problems and slamming me with the cost of "putting it back together." The value of the PC (if it was working) is around $600, and a new motherboard, SSD, and power supply cost around that not including the $240 they said I need to pay to put it all together. I just want my original PC back and not to have to pay them for all the "work" that they've managed to screw up.

Is the Miami Microcenter open? getting mixed messages Mon, 12 Aug 2024 18:42:08 +0000 Store Information and Policy Morokail 15140@/discussions <![CDATA[

The official site says it opens on the 23th of this month, but The microcenter store lists the miami Store as Open Now Mon - Sat 10 to 9, Sun 11 to 6, Reddit also has posts saying the store is open? but google map says it "temporary" closed. So which is it? need to replace my intel CPU.

Is the Miami Microcenter open? getting mixed messages Mon, 12 Aug 2024 18:44:41 +0000 Store Information and Policy Morokail 15141@/discussions <![CDATA[

The official site says it opens on the 23th of this month, but The microcenter store lists the miami Store asOpen NowMon - Sat 10 to 9, Sun 11 to 6, Reddit also has posts saying the store is open? but google map says it "temporary" closed. So which is it? need to replace my intel CPU.

Micro Center needs to come to Des Moines / Ankeny, Iowa!! Fri, 09 Dec 2022 17:44:06 +0000 Store Information and Policy cjmcgovern 12360@/discussions <![CDATA[

The nearest Micro Center from Des Moines, Iowa is in Overland Park, KS, south of Kansas City, and/or up north in St. Paul, MN next to Minneapolis (each over 3 hours away!). The Des Moines, IA metro sits directly between these two locations via the I35 corridor; which stretches from Minnesota to Texas. The Des Moines metro contains 700k potential shoppers, with several hundred thousand more in nearby counties, that would LOVE to be able to locally shop a tech store like Micro Center. We have NO on-premises tech options other than a handful of Best Buy stores, which is ridiculous, considering the fact we are becoming known as the "Silicon Valley of the Midwest". We have a massive Facebook / Meta data farm in Altoona (another good location for MC), Microsoft offices, a new Amazon distribution hub, Apple, Wells Fargo, Principal Insurance, and now Tesla is coming to town as well. Etc. etc. Micro Center is missing a MASSIVE opportunity to dominate the market here; and MC supply lines are already established along I35 for Minnesota and Missouri. My suggestion is Ankeny, IA in particular, in the northern metro of Des Moines, as we have recently opened a Costco this month off of I35, at exit 94, (north side of Ankeny toward Ames, IA [ISU]) and have a copious amount of space for commercial development next door (some is taken, some is NOT). This would be an ideal location for Micro Center, as it would serve the Des Moines metro, as well as Ames, IA, which sits twenty miles to the north - the home of 32k college students at Iowa State University. LOOK on Google Maps for the new Ankeny Costco and the surrounding development area, and you will see what I mean. Thanks!

Is anyone else having problems with the "Request Price" function for Westmont, Illinois? Mon, 05 Aug 2024 23:13:07 +0000 Store Information and Policy Roy 15105@/discussions <![CDATA[

For the last few days, I always get: "Sorry there was a problem sending to: <email> Please try again later.

Question regarding Intel laptop returns Tue, 06 Aug 2024 23:02:40 +0000 Store Information and Policy csieg 15113@/discussions <![CDATA[


I purchased a 13th gen i7 intel machine, and with all of the reports of defective cpus and failures from Intel I am concerned about the machine's reliability as it has exhibited slow downs/shutdowns.

Is there any option for return/exchanges for a machine outside of the 15 day window?

Intel 13900K deemed defective by Intel Thu, 08 Aug 2024 14:44:02 +0000 Store Information and Policy miked6127 15118@/discussions <![CDATA[

I have an open support case with Intel regarding my 13900k chip purchased from Microcenter in January 2023. Intel has deemed that the chip is defective and does not have any 13900K in stock to replace it so they are offering a refund. Would Microcenter let me return the RAM and motherboard that were purchased on the same visit as the CPU? I am considering my options and if I am able to switch to an AMD CPU, motherboard and compatible RAM. I did purchase the protection plan on the CPU, GPU, and motherboard at time of purchase but did not purchase one for the RAM.

Oklahoma Needs You! Tue, 26 Oct 2021 22:02:49 +0000 Store Information and Policy NotoriouS 9852@/discussions <![CDATA[

Please forward this to Mr. Mershad, Peggy Wolfe or John Noble,

Please for the love of GOD and everything that is Holy..... build a store in Oklahoma City or Tulsa.

Best Buy absolutely sucks!

When you decide to do this, i will miss the short drive to Overland Park but Oklahoma has to get a Microcenter!

I will volunteer to stand out by the street wearing a "Best Buy Sucks" T-Shirt (in spandex if needed) at the Grand Opening of the Oklahoma Store. Your new customer base will be absolutely shocked to be in a store with inventory.

Thank You for making this happen!

Failing intel cpu's. Will Microcenter replace my warrantied intel with amd? Sat, 03 Aug 2024 14:26:19 +0000 Store Information and Policy TheOnlyDoor 15087@/discussions <![CDATA[So Microcenter Fairfax built a PC for me. The original 13900KS worked for a few months then random blue screen, game crashes began and got worse for a few months. I took itnto MC and they said the 13900ks was faulty. They didn't have any more KS so they installed a 13900k and refunded the difference.
Same story, the 13900k worked for a few months then progressively got worse until a month ago it completely died this time and my system wouldn't even turn on.
MC Fairfax was so backlogged it took a week for them to even get my system on the table.
It was during this time I learned about the intel 13th and 14th gen fiasco occurring right now.
So I get on chat on MCs website ( you can't call them or get anyone to call you) and chat told me they were waitng on a manager approval for repair and that my 13900k had died.
No contact for 2 more days then I just drove to the store to insist that the warranty repair be equivalent AMD cpu and motherboard to avoid the same intel fate a 3rd time.
The tech in store said it was too late, the repair was done and they replaced the motherboard and installed a 14900k this time.
Sure enough, works fine for a week and now some blue screens, minor game crashes.
( I have latest Bios for this board and all intel defaults applied). I know this will only degrade over time until the cpu dies or the instability becomes so bad I take it back into Microcenter.
MY QUESTION : Do I have to wait for that?
Can I just take it back in and have them replace the motherboard and cpu with AMD.
Can Mod on here check for me so I don't have to drop my PC off for two weeks again only to find out they won't do anything until my system dies again?
Thank you in advance.


Returning bought in-store item online Tue, 06 Aug 2024 03:12:18 +0000 Store Information and Policy Dnoob 15106@/discussions <![CDATA[

I know this isn't mentioned in the return policy but I want to return a gpu I bought in-store online since I live far away from my nearest microcenter. It's a refurbished Rx 7800xt red devil showing previous usage from previous owners. I opened it to test it and the LEDs turned on, but there was no display whatsoever, even when swapping it between different computers. I didn't damage it or anything and wish to return the product, but my location makes it difficult for me to return it in-store. Can someone help me, please?

Receipt needed Tue, 06 Aug 2024 14:28:31 +0000 Store Information and Policy JSteffan 15111@/discussions <![CDATA[

I have an order that doesn't have a receipt option online and need a copy for an 13900K RMA. Any way to get a copy via email?

How long do sales last? Sun, 04 Aug 2024 00:42:28 +0000 Store Information and Policy Jeser 15091@/discussions <![CDATA[

Specifically on this Gaming Laptop:;_Intel_Core_i9_13th_Gen_13900HX_16GHz_Processor;_NVIDIA_GeForce_RTX_4090_16GB_GDDR6;_32GB_D

I am currently looking towards buying this Gaming Laptop for my Birthday as a self-gift. Just wanted to ensure that the sale would still be up by then.

Thanks for your time.

Corporate Complaint Contact? Sat, 03 Aug 2024 01:30:26 +0000 Store Information and Policy jBaumbach 15085@/discussions <![CDATA[

I've had the worse experience I've ever had at a retail store at MicroCenter. Bought an entire build, and had it built at microcenter, it has trouble posting which I would get fixed right now but that leaves me without a computer all together. Since for the last few weeks I've been back and forth with MicroCenter on fixing a different computer. A simple case swap and flash of the drives with a reinstall of windows. Except the moment I take it home I can't boot up any video game on any platform without my computer going into overheat mode, AND nothing was flashed or wiped and no clean install of windows!

So I take it back and after a week or so finally I get told I need a new graphics card all of a sudden and they recommend some upgrades. I talk it over with my insurance that covers it, that takes about a week (no fault of microcenter there), and after getting the repair and upgrade approved its in need of a PCIE cable, they ask if I have an extra, otherwise I'll be forced to purchase another PSU. Why a retail chain specializing in technology and building/troublshooting computers doesn't have an extra VGA PCIE cable is beyond me. But, that's fine cause I do have an extra. The tech then tells me to drop it off the next day since it was closing time, and it should be finished by the end of the day. So I drop it off in the morning and make a day of it, since its about a 30min drive to the store from where I'm at, so I run some errands and go to school and I try and message the tech twice if it's still looking like today it'll be finished or if there are any updates. Radio silence. So I show up just in case and I wanted to make a day of it and it's 7 hours later to plug in one cable, route it, and test it. Nope, that tech wasn't there so nothing happened. There are plenty of techs working, and it doesn't take much to plug in a cable and test. And on top of that they still want me to pay full price for install/diag even though these problems should have been shown in testing, and when I spoke to a manager about what was going on she got defensive and outraged that I would think maybe, just maybe they forgot to run these tests since, oh, you know, they forgot to wipe the drives and reinstall windows that were on the same ticket!

I need to know if there is a corporate number or a complaint number/email I can contact, because this has been the worst experience from any retail store I've ever had, and I'm pretty go with the flow, things happen sometimes kind of person. When things keep happening and I have reason to doubt someones credibility is where it comes to me asking for things like this. Thank you for any help finding someone to contact.

Is there anyway I can get a update on my refund? Thu, 01 Aug 2024 06:23:29 +0000 Store Information and Policy EdgarMC 15075@/discussions <![CDATA[

I ordered a monitor from Microcenter and it arrived damaged. Contacted them and they sent a Fedex worker to come pick it up on 7/19. Now its 8/1 and I havent received my refund. I have also tried contacting them about it but I havent gotten any response. I've looked around for the time a refund is fully processed and it said 5-7 Business days but its been a little longer than that.

Microcenter in Phoenix Wed, 21 Jun 2023 16:42:55 +0000 Store Information and Policy creed6621 13357@/discussions <![CDATA[

We have vacant Fry's buildings in the Phoenix area that could probably be had for a song . The reason they went out of business is because they started selling stuff not even related to electronics and stocked a bunch of water and other stuff and never restocked the electronics . I tried helping out by buying whatever I could that they had left - but was forced to buy elsewhere because they didn't have anything to purchase . I do either Newegg or Best Buy right now - but would definitely use Microcenter exclusively - if you put a store nearby . The closest store to me is in Tustin California . I don't see how you get by in those smaller cities and the ones that you are building new stores at . I mean Charlotte is really small compared to the Phoenix area . Anyways , would like to see a store here before I die ...

Free USB Stick? Fri, 14 Jun 2024 20:42:06 +0000 Store Information and Policy magicfan89 14855@/discussions <![CDATA[

I signed up for the emails a while ago saying there's a free USB stick for those who sign up. Now that the store is open I haven't heard anything about it. No email or text came through. Any ideas?

I did not receive my promo code for Star wars outlaws with my purchase of my Dell m18 R2 Tue, 04 Jun 2024 18:22:37 +0000 Store Information and Policy jwhitt80 14813@/discussions <![CDATA[

I did not receive my promo code for Star wars outlaws with my purchase of my Dell m18 R2, it satisfies the intel 14th generation requirement and I purchased during the time period. Microcenter did not give me a physical receipt and I did not receive an email. I ordered the laptop online and picked it up in store.

Virginia Beach location Tue, 30 Jul 2024 12:59:00 +0000 Store Information and Policy Dbell 15060@/discussions <![CDATA[Is there anyway we could have a MicroCenter here in Virginia Beach? All of the bestbuy stores here have minimal selection on products so I think you guys would have a lot of business. There is a lot of space here that to build one and I think it would be a big success. Please let this happen.]]> No confirmation email Tue, 30 Jul 2024 20:11:16 +0000 Store Information and Policy Heyzeus94 15067@/discussions <![CDATA[I ordered some PC parts yesterday evening. My money has been deducted from account but I have no confirmation other than the order number after checking out.]]> Will MicroCenter Order a Part for Me? Tue, 30 Jul 2024 16:55:59 +0000 Store Information and Policy OlYeller21 15065@/discussions <![CDATA[

I want to get two sticks of memory for a server. It probably doesn't matter but it's Micron (Crucial) MTA18ASF2G72HZ.

I don't like buying things on Amazon and I'd rather buy it at MicroCenter. MicroCenter most likely doesn't sell this item because it's not in high demand, even though they probably have the ability to buy it.

Does MicroCenter take special requests for orders? I'm going to be buying several thousand dollars worth of hardware and I'd rather give it to MicroCenter than other companies that sell it.

Is this possible? I can't find anything on the website.

Why does Micro-Center make it so difficult for an individual (not a business) to contact via email? Tue, 30 Jul 2024 19:18:23 +0000 Store Information and Policy sawnad2242 15066@/discussions <![CDATA[

I need to replace the battery for my Remington Beard Trimmer MB4045. Here is the information printed on the battery: Li-ion Cylindrical Cell 14500 750-mAh 3.7v 2.775-Wh ICR 15/51 SP:1506 (C54525468449).

If you don't carry it in stock, I'd like to know if you can order it. If so, please let me know the price.

Thank you,

Daniel Wasylkiw

Nashville for a store Wed, 11 Oct 2023 18:26:03 +0000 Store Information and Policy AudioinTN 13813@/discussions <![CDATA[

Nashville is one of the fastest growing markets in the country. Many tech companies are using this area as a primary or backup operations site to avoid coastal target cities. Several broadcast networks have relocated to here. Facebook has a datacenter in Gallatin. There are other datacenters being built around here. When can we have a MicroCenter here? Georgia is too far away. MC has centers in Cleveland and Columbus, so it would not be unprecedented to have one in Nashville as well, despite Georgia. Please build a MicroCenter here, we have no decent technology retails outlets except music equipment stores, and that isnt all the tech we need anyway.

Motherboard 2-Year Warranty Coverage Mon, 29 Jul 2024 11:50:37 +0000 Store Information and Policy blackcoffeex1 15057@/discussions <![CDATA[


I purchased a motherboard from Micro Center last year in February along with a 2-year warranty. Yesterday, when I was preparing my motherboard for a CPU upgrade, I accidently bent and possibly broke some pins on the motherboard. Does the warranty cover accidental damage? My receipt says the SKU for the warranty is 024364 and lists the purchase as TWG TWG-2YR REPLACEMENT.


Ender 3 V2 $100 Coupon Fri, 26 Jul 2024 18:11:39 +0000 Store Information and Policy rvan1 15040@/discussions <![CDATA[

I signed up for the ender 3 v2 $100 coupon and it hasn't been texted to me. Is this coupon still active?

Micro Center - New Location Request - Jacksonville, FL Fri, 15 Mar 2024 15:19:27 +0000 Store Information and Policy Tomcat2048 14479@/discussions <![CDATA[

Could we please get a location added in Jacksonville, FL? I know there's one opening in Miami sometime this year but that is simply too far of a drive. The Jacksonville, FL location would essentially put a spot in between the Atlanta area locations and the Miami locations (for people who live near the middle of the two cities). Also, Jacksonville is very populous and has a ton of businesses that would benefit from a store like this.

In terms of real estate, there are many great options on the South side/Southeast side of town. There's absolutely no way that a store in the area wouldn't turn a huge profit.

Unsure what to do with glitchy keyboard. Wed, 24 Jul 2024 18:11:10 +0000 Store Information and Policy JSC 15034@/discussions <![CDATA[

I received a Razer BlackWidow v4 75% as a gift last winter and keys started double clicking. Does the 2-year Razer warranty on the website cover the item even if it was bought from MicroCenter? I don't know what I can do to fix/replace it.

Law Enforcement Officer Discount Fri, 19 Apr 2024 18:11:23 +0000 Store Information and Policy Twincities03 14627@/discussions <![CDATA[

Does the LEO discount still apply today with badge or form of ID in 2024? The last posts are from 2022 when they discontinued the First Responder discount. Mods? Thank You!

How can I get a store generated pdf receipt Sun, 21 Jul 2024 11:12:32 +0000 Store Information and Policy raviss 15017@/discussions <![CDATA[

Trying to get warranty from AMD and they rejected the email receipt I got when I clicked resend receipt from order history. They want a store generated pdf receipt. I printed the email and saved it as pdf but AMD says they cannot validate it. Please help

Store Information and Policy — Micro Center (2024)
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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.